Art-making allows me to stay deeply connected with the world. It brings joy and inspiration into my daily life. It is also my way of giving back to others. Finally, it is something that I do from love for beauty and the arts – a result of years spent experimenting, exploring, learning, and searching for a place of belonging. I invite you to join me on this journey by taking a piece of my imaginative world into your living space.
We spend a significant part of our lives inside living and working spaces. It is our great responsibility to shape them in a way that nourishes the senses and brings moments of joy into daily life. Beautiful and comfortable interiors aligned with who we truly are, can add to our well-being and create a feeling of increased comfort. In this way, we can co-create a better everyday experience for ourselves and everyone around us.
• anyone who appreciates genuine, unique, and sophisticated art
• individuals, companies, organizations, and institutions caring about their interiors and appreciating subtle beauty
• people who would like to bring more beauty, light, and inner peace into their living and working spaces
• anyone who would like to live a more pleasurable life surrounded by unique art
• people who appreciate subtle colour, the stillness of nature morte, and the abstract beauty of natural forms
• makes your interior unique
• helps you to express your personality
• brings a huge dose of positive energy
• teaches aesthetic sensitivity
• inspires and brings internal peace
• stimulates overall well-being
• significantly improves the comfort of living
• helps to stimulate imagination
• lowers stress levels and helps people to relax
• creates opportunities for great investments
I would like to bring a touch of beauty, light, and inner peace to every person through my art.My longing is to create genuine art and transform your interiors into meaningful and comforting places.
My affection for design and, through design, for practical solutions have had a formative influence on my creations. I am especially interested in botany, nature morte, and all those little ordinary and at the same time extraordinary things that surround us in daily life. They awake my senses and ask for a quiet presence. My artworks are manufactured with love, care, and attention to detail. I do my best to use sustainable materials and reduce waste production in the process of art-making. All my pieces are designed to become unique, durable, and meaningful treasures of your art collection. Let them bring joy and beauty into your living spaces!
I rarely work on commercial designs like logos, flyers, or any other promotional materials. My artworks include photographs, illustrations, and objects that can transform your interior into a meaningful and comforting space. Currently, they are available directly through my art studio.
To purchase any of my artworks you can reach out via email at