- Joanna Wróblewska, the owner of Art Studio JW, is a visual artist and expressive arts therapist. She holds a PhD in visual arts and an MA in Expressive Arts Therapy with a Minor in Psychology. Joanna has significant training and specializations as indicated in her bio and does not claim to provide services outside of these credentials.
- The information provided on this website is for informational purposes only. Joanna Wróblewska does not treat, diagnose or cure any conditions. Her services and consultations are not intended to replace information or guidance from a medical doctor or a psychiatrist, and they are not intended as medical/clinical advice.
- Unless otherwise specified and/or credited all images, artworks, text and graphics on this website are created and owned by Joanna Wróblewska. They may not be added to designs or publications of any nature or any other unauthorized forms of distribution or reproduction without express written permission by Joanna Wróblewska.
- All materials featured on this website are offered for individual or commercial information only. Any use of graphic material found on the site including mirroring or copying any part of the website is prohibited without the express written consent of Joanna Wróblewska or her authorized representatives.
- Visitors are permitted and encouraged to link to this site. You are welcome to link to any page or section of the website. Any form of reproduction, electronic or otherwise is strictly forbidden without prior written consent. If you have any questions about these terms or would like information about licensing images and/or materials from Joanna Wróblewska please contact the artist at contact@artstudiojw.com.
- Joanna Wróblewska makes every effort to produce unique artworks. If, however, she creates an artwork for you which accidentally infringes the copyright, her liability is limited only to a refund of the paid amount. Joanna Wróblewska will do no research on her own checking on the already existing designs.
- Ownership of the particular purchased artwork becomes the full property of the Client having unlimited, indefinite and unrestricted use of the piece upon payment of all fees. Joanna Wróblewska retains the right to create multiple copies of the artworks, reproduce and display the artworks in her portfolio and marketing materials. Until all project invoices are paid in full by the client, Joanna Wróblewska will retain exclusive copyright and ownership of all purchased creations and draft materials. Ownership of the final artwork is transferred to the client on payment of all fees unless otherwise arranged in writing. Joanna Wróblewska retains ownership of all draft materials not used in the final artwork or design.
- Joanna Wróblewska is doing her best to prepare the content of this site. However, she cannot warranty the expressions and suggestions of the contents, as well as its accuracy. In addition, to the extent permitted by the law, Joanna Wróblewska shall not be responsible for any losses and/or damages due to the usage of the information on her website. By using her website, you hereby consent to this disclaimer and agree to its terms.
- The links contained on this website may lead to external sites, which are provided for convenience only. Any information or statements that appeared in these sites are not sponsored, endorsed, or otherwise approved by Joanna Wróblewska. For these external sites, Joanna Wróblewska cannot be held liable for the availability of, or the content located on or through it. Plus, any losses or damages occurred from using these contents or the internet generally.
- This Disclaimer was generated with the partial help of the Disclaimer Template Generator and the Terms and Conditions Template.